Forensic Accounting
With a global network of specialized forensic accountants, Crawford delivers efficiency and expertise when it truly counts

When businesses suffer financial losses due to insured events, proper evaluation of the impacts can be extremely complex. Such losses often demand collaboration amongst a host of experts, including seasoned forensic accountants possessing strong analytical skills, as well knowledge and experience in a given enterprise or industry.
At Crawford & Company, our Global Technical Services group delivers forensic accounting expertise through its roster of specialized professionals. Not only do we offer extensive coverage around the globe, but our forensic accounting services can work hand-in-hand with our traditional loss adjusting services to drive efficiencies through the overall claims process. Regardless of company size or complexity of loss, Crawford stands ready to aid insurers in resolving and adjusting financial loss.
Perfect for:
- Verifying a loss amount — a Crawford forensic accountant can review how an insured party came to calculate the amount of the loss that they incurred and either validate or provide a corrected loss amount. The supporting financial information submitted by the Crawford forensic accountant will serve to support the settlement recommendation of the Crawford claims adjuster.
- Quantifying a loss amount — In other small, large, or more complex claims scenarios, a Crawford forensic accountant can assist in determining and calculating the dollar value of a loss incurred by working with the Crawford claims adjuster to quantify the loss incurred
Why choose Crawford?
- Ability to work seamlessly with our full team of adjusters to provide faster and effective resolutions — reducing shelf life and cutting claim and legal costs
- By being involved early in the process, we can help the insured understand calculations and associated potential issues and develop an effective strategy to progress the claim
- Crawford forensic accountants are able to leverage the strength of Crawford’s global footprint and organizational infrastructure
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